Hello good day i have an LG GT540 i am able to access all features but periodically i get the message avast mobile security…has stopped unexpectedly force close. this only started happening from when i updated to 2.0.2750. I have uninstalled completely and reinstalled but no avail. i tried to create logs with alogcat as i followed from another of your forums but log cat does not record anything even though its open in the background while the issue is being recreated. any help plz. this only happened after the new update worked fine before. Thanks any help will be greatly appreciated.
what you can do is, after it crashes, go to Settings-About-Send feedback, check all the checkboxes and provide a valid email address. You will receive a ticked ID in your inbox which I can look up afterwards and take a look at the logs etc.
i cannot send logs as when i click send the program instantly crashes
you don’t have ICS on that device, do you?
no i dont
Then the aLogcat should show you all the logs from the device including the AMS crash.
If you want, send me the log to my email address havlicek[at]avast[dot]com and I will take a look at it.
remember its not showing ay logs just a blank white screen i followeed all steps even keeping it the backgroudn open
Then it’s really weird and something might be wrong with your whole system, not only AMS. It should at least say that the log is not available on your device if it’s not available (something like “can’t open /dev/log”). Try some other logcat applications please. If those won’t work then the only shot left is to install Android SDK and try listing the log through that.