Avast Mobile Security on Lenovo A107 tablet

Grateful for assistance - when I try to open Avast Mobile Security it states “Enter avast! PIN” and I cannot remember what PIN I set for it, I have tried a few PIN’s but none seem to work. It says PIN Recovery not set - Please connect your device to the avast! Account.

Firstly, how do I do this from the tablet as when I try to log in to Avast to connect the tablet to my account it tells me that my username or password is incorrect - I can read the username (e-mail address) which is correct and have reset my password, so that should be okay as well - and until I do I cannot do anything on Avast, nor delete the updates on Google Maps which is causing “Navigation” to display a “Waiting for location” message for about 24 hours, despite switching the tablet off and on several times during this period!

I should add that I am currently logged in to my avast account using the password that Avast tells me is incorrect when I try to log in from my Tablet, hence my frustration!!




if you don’t know the PIN and your installation isn’t connected to avast! Account, the only thing you can do is uninstall both Mobile Security and Anti-Theft and after that install it back again. You can uninstall Mobile Security via the Google Play app. Guides on how to uninstall Anti-Theft can be found on several places here on the forum, you just need to find the one that suits you.


Thank you Filip - very much appreciated


No problem, hope it turns out OK for you.
