Grateful for assistance - when I try to open Avast Mobile Security it states “Enter avast! PIN” and I cannot remember what PIN I set for it, I have tried a few PIN’s but none seem to work. It says PIN Recovery not set - Please connect your device to the avast! Account.
Firstly, how do I do this from the tablet as when I try to log in to Avast to connect the tablet to my account it tells me that my username or password is incorrect - I can read the username (e-mail address) which is correct and have reset my password, so that should be okay as well - and until I do I cannot do anything on Avast, nor delete the updates on Google Maps which is causing “Navigation” to display a “Waiting for location” message for about 24 hours, despite switching the tablet off and on several times during this period!
I should add that I am currently logged in to my avast account using the password that Avast tells me is incorrect when I try to log in from my Tablet, hence my frustration!!