Avast Mobile Security untrustable leak? Android version

Hello and good evening.

I just posted this question in the german forum. I hope to collect the experiance and anwers from both german and english users.

My question is simple: Why does Avast MS connects every 2 minutes to http://google-analytics? Even if the firewall in whitelist mode shouldnt grant access to it?

Is there an exception in the programmcode for it to grant google access?

Thanks for any amswers.

Hello. I found out that the most of androids antivir solution available in playstore are cinnecting to google-analytics or LOTS of other weird ios. Lookout, Trustgo (the worst for privacy), and so on.

excepting by so far testing bitdefender, but the problem here is it needs a static internet cinnection because of cloud scanning.

for me the best solution (and in some tests) is Antiy AVL (search for AVL). No weird permissions, no connections to google, just the updateserver. Firewall for me is now AF+ and it blocks few more the avast FW? At least the log tells me so.

i suggest you avast to release an Antivirus ONLY and firewall ONLY app without connections to weird add servers as trustgo does. Seperatly release a Mobile Security all around pack with GPS locatiin service and so on.

Maybe i will come back to you. Most Mobile Sec require more Permissiins then a Trojan…

For AMS/AAT see: http://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=1252

Thanks for the link explaining the permissions. I Ithink there is a big reason for why it is free :wink:

So any offical statement in relation to the connections to google-analytics :-)? How is that possible that a .Security software has leaks like this?