avast mobile software


i want avast for mobile. is there any avast software for mobile virus?

i want for my phone bcoz i get many virus in my phone through bluetooth.

Really? How about turning off bluetooth then?

In all seriousness though, there are versions for mobile devices, but they haven’t been keeping up with the new ones. No Palm WebOS, no iFag… er Phone, no blackberry, etc.

So, wait around for them to make one, or find another product I guess.

For now, this is it: http://www.avast.com/pda-edition

is there any other free mobile antivirus software for symbian s60 mobile

Sure… Just do a google search for symbian antivirus.

Here’s one (Norton though… bleh) http://www.symantec.com/business/mobile-security-for-symbian
Kaspersky has a free one (don’t know if it works on an S60 though) http://download.cnet.com/Kaspersky-Mobile-Security-Symbian-OS/3000-2064_4-10640241.html

Keep digging and I’m sure you’ll find something.


http://download.cnet.com/Kaspersky-Mobile-Security-Symbian-OS/3000-2064_4-10640241.html and


is not free. i want free antiviru for mobile. i tried to search from google but did not got any free antivirus for symbian. they all are paid software.

use netqin antivirus for symbian…
go to hxxp://www.netqin.com

netqin.com is 100% free?

I don’t see prices… that’s for sure.