Avast! moves to Cloud....???!

Hi Vlk,

In an interview to CNET you said " by the year 2012, Avast! will be moving at least some of its threat definitions to the cloud";

“Additionally, Avast is looking at running your browser in its auto-sandbox by default. Since just after the release of version 5, we haven’t seen anything bypass the sandbox”.
---- - - - ----

If so, what will be the future of Avast! users without broadband connection (if it reduces database updates in future)…?

Did you mean an Avast! free user will be able to run their browser in Autosandbox…!?
(I’m ready to throw sandboxie… ;))

If you are still on a slow connection (Dial-up or slow DSL) then you would still be protected with the daily database updates. In most AV products the cloud protection is usually an additional layer of protection against unknown threats.

You should be able to run your browser in the sandbox in version 6. Right click your browser then choose run in sandbox.

Precisely. I won’t expect a different behavior from avast.

I think Vlk is saying the sandbox could be, somehow, moved from the pro to the free version.

Some people are saying that this recent stuff we have seen from LulzSec and others may mean a delay in implementation, or even the death of cloud technology. People will be very reluctant to have their data more accessible and less private.

That looks cool :o. Cloud will be soon in version 6 or later in 7?

Don’t know 6 or 7… But according to vlk it will be in first quarter of 2012…

In version 7.

OK Can’t wait for version 7 ;D

One can only hope. I don’t get this fascination with “the cloud”. ::slight_smile:

Yes, there will be some new cloud-related stuff in v7.
And of course, it’s not like we’re dropping any of the existing detections - this is simply another layer on top of the existing engine.

Also, most of the attention is payed to newly downloaded files. To make a query about such files will typically be much much faster than the actual download, so we can do things even on weaker connections (I mean, if you’re downloading a 20MB file over a dial-up, and it takes you minutes, you can typically wait 1 more second to get the result of the scan, especially if it’s happening seemlessly on the background).


Oh…! that s nice…
Thanks Vlk…, now there is much light on this…;
then what about sandbox…?? :smiley:

Actually I just love this man named VLK. Apart from community I love his work really alot and new ideas



Here is one from me too…

Vlk, your pretty cheeks will need a better compression technology to accomodate all the mu…aaaaaahhhs u r going to receive with the release of Avast! 7… ;D

Vlk when am I going to give you a ‘BIG’ :-* your company is keeping us all safe

Will avast go for HIPS in version 7! or will it stay with Behavior blocker?..

No HIPS. The policy is userfriendly, transparent and silent protection.

Thanks for the reply…

about the autosandbox: i would like to see the autosandbox extended to protect usb flash drives, email, multimedia clients, instant messenger, irc, p2p, and voip not just the internet browser. maybe you could add this to your internet security suite or even better to your free version. Moreover i would like to see a hips with a whitelist (this should significantly reduce popup alerts and also offer enhanced protection from zero day threats). But i think that this should be disabled by default so that techsavvy users can enable it and try it out themselveswhereas your average joe won’t get fed up with the alerts.

“Avast! will be moving at least some of its threat definitions to the cloud”

Personally i would like to see all the threat definitions moved into the cloud for people who have an always on always connected internet connection (desktop users) this would significantly reduce the size of avast. Currently avast is taking up 306mb of disk space even though the installer was 75mb:o (this isn’t really a problem most users nowadays have 250GB+ storage space), but it would always be a bonus if avast was smaller in size compared to the competition.

For laptop users(who’s internet connection isn’t allways guaranteed) avast could implement a hybrid approach maybe have some signatures stored on the laptop as well as some cloud protection. Behavior blocker and autosandbox should be able to detect anyunknown threats.

Wow. :o
Many wishes bilpo. ;D