A few months ago I tried to update to the newer version and had some issues (BSOD-inaccessible programs etc)…So, still liking the security of Avast; I uninstalled and reinstalled version 5.1.889. This has worked out fine for me.
I’m not here to debate my decision to stay with the previous version. I need my computer for my work. I’ll upgrade when I either feel that certain issues and conflicts have been resolved…or that I have some spare time to devote to working out the kinks.
But lately I’ve been getting a lot of nag screens from Avast to upgrade…just over the last several days. It’s quite a teaser too…as it has that darker burgundy background as when it blocks malicious websites
Any reason for this and is there any way to stop it from happening?
Do I have to be nagged?
I suppose your avast! program update configuration says “Ask when update is available”…?
Umm…no, It updates automatically.
It doesn’t ask me to “upgrade”…it tells me that I need to.
Program updates, not virus database updates.
OK, can you post a screenshot?
Maybe you’re right. I did have it set for automatic updates…but for the program update it defaulted to “ask”. I set it on manual. Maybe that will take care of the nag screen.