avast needs to restart everytime

Yes, the problem is that i get the blue box with the msg avast something something then a version number, i forgot which
After that i get a window with the news of avast? I guess this is new, but when i close that, another window appears which says the computer needs to restart. So i did that, but after the restart the same window (for restart) appears???

What’s wrong?
i have the newest update 4.1.418 and VPS 0426-1

Thx 4 reading, i’m of the school.

What operating system do you have?

win 98

I have the exact same problem with win 98.

When the restart message appears again (and before you restart), check the file wininit.ini in your Windows directory. What’s inside?

Also, you can post the contents of the file \setup\setup.log (or attach it to your post - but you’d first rename it to give it the .txt extension otherwise the forum will refuse your post).

This is the wininit

[rename] nul=C:\PROGRA~1\ALWILS~1\AVAST4\SETUP\REBOOT.TXT c:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\aswnWCNgIz=c:\progra~1\alwils~1\avast4\asw6180.tmp nul=c:\windows\tempor~1\content.ie5\index.dat nul=

Ad: this_is_the_setup.txt

Sorry, this is not the setup.log, this is the setup.ini (useless here…) :slight_smile:
BTW I’m curious because the wininet.ini contents is really interesting.


since that setup.log is 745kb, i placed it on my site
It’s called setupLOG.txt

Please open the wininit.ini file, and change the line that says




Then restart the machine. That should do the trick.


i’m sorry to tell you, but it doesn’t do the trick :-
This time the line says


Before i had to changee the line it said already something else. So i guess the line is everytime different.

I don’t know if this helps, but i have a winint.ini, a .bak, a .tmp, a .sav and a .exe (all with wininit in front offcourse)


Alien, if even Vlk could not help you, who of us can?
I’m reading your thread since the beggining but I do not know what can you do…

Not sure on what to do either. But you could as a last resort, to uninstal and reinstal again. Also, make sure your completely AV free from other sources. Sorry I cant be of more Help. Im sure Vik is lookign into it for you, be patient if you can.

Hi, just go back to this. Here is my wininit.ini file. Any ideas?


LordDragon, in your case it’s simple:

  1. Quit avast (if running)
  2. Go to the \english\help folder.
  3. Rename the file che90f4.tmp to checklistsimple.chm (overwrite the existing version).

That will do it.

Alien, something’s gotta be wrong with your setup. Can you resend the latest version of the setup.log to my e-mail? I’ll check it once more…


Ty all, i’ll try reinstalling when i got some spare time. No need to spend all your time looking 4 an answer, it’s not that annoying.
I just though noone (i think that wrote it wrong) :-\ read my last post, or something like that.
It will be gone with the next update i guess. Anyway, it’s a sign of very good support.

HaHa :slight_smile: Well Vlk I did as you said, I renamed the the temp file to checklistsimple.chm. It didn’t work of course. Hears the current content of the \english\help folder.


Now seriously. How do I fix this?

So what’s in the wininit.ini NOW?
Maybe the checklist was not the only file that was causing it (although that would be very strange).

So now all the three files


are identical, right?

yep all three the same!