Avast Needs To Restart Your System!

I know this has been brought up before. I’m just wondering if anything new has come to light to correct this annoying problem.
Whenever computer (Windows XP) boots I get a nag message telling me “Avast Needs to Restart Your System . Restart now? or Later” So far I have Uninstalled Avast (using the Avast uninstall utility) and reinstalled latest release. Next, after searching this forum I have:

  1. Looked in C:/Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\setup\setup.log - setup.log Doesn’t exist
  2. Deleted C:/Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\setup\reboot.text
  3. Deleted HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager, “PendingFileRenameOperations”.

All to no avail. Still getting nag on boot.
The only thing I forgot to do was restart system after I had run the Avast uninstall utility. I went ahead and reinstalled the newly downloaded version.
Could this be the problem?
Thanks in advance of any help in this matter

That could be the problem. Perhaps you should try again.

Ok. I uninstalled (Avast uninstall utility) Restarted computer and downloaded and installed latest version of Avast. Stll getting the same nag.
After I uninstalled I tried to delete the whole Alwil folder from the program files. I could not delete this folder because asQuick.exe could not be deleted or renamed.

The removal tool should have removed the folder. Did you use the browse button to ensure that the C:\program files\Alwil Software folder was in the small white box?

From memory there was a reboot problem caused by NTFS naming convention Tweak (Ntfs Disable 8dot3 NameCreation if set to 00000001) was causing a reboot problem. Setting the below Reg Key dword value to 00000000 solved the constant reboot problem for me.

