Avast Network Scan is complaining about a Vulnerability?

I keep getting this warning when running a Network Scan, I suppose it is just to try to get me to buy the VPN? LOL, jab jab. It’s telling me the things at https://help.avast.com/en/av_free/17/hns/cve-2017-14491.html. I have an Xfinity XB3 and don’t see any way to tell if the firmware is out of date or not? It gets rebooted plenty to make sure the updates are applied. I posted at their site also but got no answer.

I also turned off Wifi Hotspot.

Thanks in advance guys

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Thanks bob, all done.

See: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=215664.msg1449477#msg1449477

Thanks Asyn! I think I’m okay then but will reread and look at some other settings I can change.

You’re welcome.