AVAST Network Sheild Blocking all Sites?


I am using “avast! FREE ANTIVIRUS” on a Windows 8 System.
I am encountering the following problem from a week or so.

With the Network Sheild ON, I am not able to browse almost all of the sites.
Google Works fine, so does some email websites such as GMail etc. But other than that I am not able to browse any of the Sites (for ex: even Imdb.com).
I tried using Chrome, Internet Explorer and even FireFox.
I am problems accessing even the avast’s official website.

The browsers just say “Connecting” and then nothing.

Once I turn OFF the NetworkSheild…everything works perfect.

I had to do this…even to post this message in the forum :(.

When I connect to the Internet over Wifi using the same router on a mobile device, it works perfectly fine.

What might be the problem?

PS: This is the second time I am trying to post this message. As during the first time, the network Sheild got turned ON (after 10 mins). I have had to close my browser and turn OFF the NetworkSheid and re-post this message.

There is a problem on some systems running windows 8 where this occurs. The labs are trying to determine why but as of now have no viable solution. It is specific to some systems , as I am running 8 with no problems

The interim measure is to turn off the network shield, not ideal but at least you are protected. There is a thread here somewhere but I have lost it

could you try to repair avast? - https://support.avast.com/index.php?_m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=1467&nav=0,694
and what is File version of your c:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswnet.sys (or at least Modified Date)

thank you

Thanks for the reply!

@essexboy: Please do let me know if u happen to find the thread again.

@lukas.hasik: Here are the details-
File/Product Version:
Last Modified Date: 11/16/2012

Found another file named:
aswnet.sys.sum in the same path. Probably a temporary file?

Avast Version:
Program: 7.0.1474
VPS: 121130-1
Setup: 7.0.1474


Need Help!!!
It really seems to be a setting in Avast that is preventing me to browse the sites.
I have now upgraded to the AVAST total Internet Security, and still the problem persists.

Gmail → Able to browse
GoogleSearch → Able to browse
Try to click any of the links in the GoogleSearch result → Kaboom!!! It just says connecting…and nothing else.!!!
BitTorrent works fine → Able to download/Seed already existing torrent.
Any other site → Kaboom

Two patches released

How to install the fix:

  1. Download it from here http://public.avast.com/~polach/aswnseng_01.zip and unpack it.

  2. Disable the Self Defense in the Avast!. Go to the Settings->Troubleshooting and uncheck enable avast! self defense module

  3. Stop the Avast! service. Go to the Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services. Then locate the avast! Antivirus service ans stop it.

  4. Replace the aswnseng.dlll in c:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast or where you have Avast! installed. You will need adminstrative rights to do that

  5. Start the avast! service again in Services list

  6. Enable Web Shield if is disabled.

Provide tests and report results.

Thank you.

A patch has been made as a temporary solution, which is also meant to help the Avast! team resolve the issue for the next update. Please update to the latest version of Avast! available, and then follow the instructions found here: http://public.avast.com/~rypacek/patches/

(See the one titled “aswnet patch: Patch for aswNet.sys, BlueScreen in NETIO.SYS on Windows8”)