avast newbie

I installed avast 4.6 today.Even studying the help info,I can’t understand what I have to do to set up for scans etc. There must be a 1-2-3 etc steps that I could follow so that I get it all correct.
Is there novice help available ? Thanks

Yes, that should be… but there are lots of things to do ;D
Ok, click the button for scan hard disks on the skin, and let it go.
Default options of avast! is quite good for a normal scanning.
Best of all, come to forum, ask your questions and let us introduce you to avast! world 8)

right click avast icon, select Start avast! Antivirus

Then follow what Tech has said.

This topic should be in the avast! 4x Home/Pro forum not avast! 4 BART CD, perhaps one of the mods could move it.