Avast & Newsleacher Supersearch Service

I have to disable the Avast resident scanner in order for Newsleacher Supersearch Service to run. I read on the Newsleacher Forum that clicking on the on-access scanner taskbar icon and disabling both scan inbound and out bound news at the NNTP tab would fix the problem. When I am running Supersearch the Avast Mail Scanner icon appears in the task bar but it does not respond to any clicks of the mouse.

I am running Avast version 4.7 on Windows XP Pro.

Any ideas?

Try putting this IP address: into mail scanner’s ignored addresses (in Redirect page of the Internet Mail provider).

NEWSLEACHER - SUPERSEARCH - The supersearch uses a protocol other than NNTP on port 119 and that is a problem for the mail scanner.

The workaround is the option “Use alt. supersearch port” in NewsLeecher options or to put the address (which is another/different IP to that vojtech gave {his may be more accurate}) to the Internet Mail’s ignored addresses.

So it may be best to have NewsLeacher use the alt supersearch port and that would avoid the mail scanner completely.


The Alt.Supersearch fix did the trick!


No problem, glad we could help.

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