Avast not listed in sound program events for Win XP Pro

Not sure if this is an Avast issue or an OS issue but Avast 5 is not showing up in the program events box for windows sounds. I have uninstalled and reinstalled, checked to make sure the .wav files are on my hd and checked the Sounds options in Avast. Everything seems to be as it should be, but Avast is still not in with all the other program events.
Anyone have any Ideas???

avast! 5 is not registered in Windows sounds anymore - it caused some problems (especially on Windows 7 where the sounds are profile-dependent and people “lost” their sounds quite often because the profile has changed).
So avast! 5 simply plays the sounds on its own - you can configure it in avast! settings.

Okay, Well I have looked in avast setting and all seems to be well, but I have been known to overlook things before. I will check again… Thank you for your reply.