Avast not recognized by Windows Center on 2012 Server


We have a problem with Avast (EPSP with AEA console), none of our 2012 servers detect Avast. Avast is installed, but doesn’t appear in the action center, even if I disable the agents.

It’s a problem, Outlook keeps opening the access authorization window on our RDS server.

On the attachement : “Action Center : No problem detected” when Avast is disabled.

How do we correct that? Is this a bug?

I can see that Avast is reporting some sort of failure (red cross over its icon) although it does not propagate to the Security Center. Can you check what Avast think is wrong? Perhaps some shields are off?

It was just a test (Avast disabled for 10min), to check if the Action Center detects Avast and it doesn’t.

More on the Action Center :

  • Avast is not recognized by the Action Center on 2008 Server too (Server 2008 R2 Std). In fact, Kaspersky also isn’t detected by the Action center (for testing purpose).
  • only the file system agent is enable on our servers (for Avast).


So how can I make the Windows Action Center recognized Avast on Windows Server versions?

We really have a problem with Outlook and our app can’t send emails because “there is no antivirus”.

I’m not to familiar with 2012 server, but I guess the action works about the same as it does on Windows versions for consumers.
Have a look here, it may help and perhaps even solve the problem:


Apparently it does not work like that on servers and we have the same problem with Windows Server 2008/2008 R2 and 2012/2012 R2.

Ah well, it was just a thought and worth while checking i.mo.
At least I have learned something. :wink:

So, no “official” answers?

We planned to host a huge farm (700+ users) of 2012 R2 RDS servers with Outlook and we will have problem sending emails from our app.

This is for consumer versions of Windows, but (perhaps in a somewhat different way) may apply to 2012 as well.
But as I said am not familiar with 2012.

1. Go to control panel and open Administrative tools. 2. Click on services. 3. Go down to Windows Management Instrumentation. 4. Stop this service. Stop Security Center service too. Let them to Automatically start. 5. Exit out of this area to your desktop. 6. Right click Start and choose Explore. 7. Go to c:\windows\system32\wbem\repository. Delete this subdirectory ONLY. Let the others there. Sometimes, only using Unlocker


There is no Security Center service on Windows 2012 server, unless it has an another name in French, but I didn’t find it.

I don’t think there is a security center on 2012 server, but there is an Action Center.

That is the same, Microsoft just renamed it in some version of Windows.