Avast not replying to query

Bought a product recently from avast and found that it was sent & charged for twice even though I only required one. Been in touch a few times but getting ignored so as soon as subscription runs out will go elsewhere.Customer service is terrible.

Been in touch a few times
That is very likely your problem. As has been explained numerous of times, each time you submit a new ticket/change a existing one you will be put back to the bottom of the stack and you have to wait longer.

avast is trying to handle tickets within 10 business days.
Have some patience after submitting a ticket.

I find it amazing how we, the paying customer, has to be patient and wait at least 10 days before anything happens at all… if at all… but boy they sure take our money instantly… Funny isn’t it…

You are forgetting that answering is done by humans while trans ;)actions are done by computers.
Do you prefer a answer from a computer or a human?

Well if it takes them 10 days to answer a quick email ticket thing then apparently they’re not doing their jobs very well or simply have pissed off so many people that want their money back, they can’t keep up… Not saying much for Avast now does it??

You’ve now made three posts but I haven’t yet heard a question. Do you actually have one ???


if you want help/support start your own thread and provide details.
Stop hijacking Ofek’s thread.