Avast under Win98SE, in case I forget to say later.
It’s been installed and running for about a week. At some point yesterday, I realised its icon in the system tray had gone away. Soon afterwards, I discovered a couple of programs had stopped responding (an internet time synchroniser and, worryingly, msgsrv32) and I rebooted.
Still no Avast tray icon.
Ran repair. This time, after reboot, the icon was there but no services were loaded, or - it said - could be found. At some point, I got the error about memory being impossible to allocate, which I fixed last time by changing the databases line in the .ini file to XML, so I went and changed it to XML again, rebooted and - no tray icon.
Looks like the program updated itself yesterday. And the result seems to be that I have no resident antivirus. Any ideas how I can put this right?
[Added later] In the absence of any response to this, I have this morning uninstalled it entirely, observed that my system is running perfectly well without it (just in case anyone suggests that the program that repeatedly dies with Avast loaded would have done so anyway) and have both checked for spyware (none) and left it checking itself for viruses with AVG.
Avast seems better featured and doesn’t hit performance quite so hard as AVG, which is why I switched. But it seems clear that the 21/4/04 update has caused many problems; it also seems clear that the requirement for ODBC drivers in its default configuration still needs to be sorted out, with the possible proviso that its alternate use of XML may now be broken.
What do I expect from a free program? What I always expect: something that’s good enough that I can convince myself to pay for a license. In the absence of any responses to this, or any later feedback that suggests that these problems have been resolved, I probably won’t feel too confident about trying it again…