Problem: Avast real-time protection shield status page does not show any emails were ever scanned. I have sent and received numerous emails but the counters are still at 0/0.
However, I do see the Avast ball “spinning” when I send or receive emails but the last email scanned is still listed as “never.”
Other curiosity: When I first set up Thunderbird in XP, I was warned (by Avast) that I must turn off TLS/SSL encryption for each email account so Avast could scan incoming and outgoing emails. I did so and everything worked perfectly. However, when I reinstalled Avast under Windows 8 Pro, it never gave me any such warning and I tried disabling encryption but the emails scan count remains at 0. AND yes, I did tick the allow anti-virus scan in Thunderbird.
Thank you for the link; however, I have already reviewed it and everything in there is exactly what Avast is Not doing. It is not warning me about the TLS/SSL connection that Thunderbird sets up by default and it is not advising me how to fix it (as was done when I was running XPSP3) so I’m stuck at the moment but thanks for responding. In the meantime, I may checkout Windows Live mail but I really don’t want to switch. I really think this is either an Avast or Thunderbird issue but I don’t know which one is at fault and I’m hoping someone from Avast can create a test scenario to confirm my problem or, better yet, maybe someone in these forums has the solution.
Just to add, I use Thunderbird (latest) with Avast Pro on Windows 8 Pro since fall last year and did receive the SSL warnings and have had ‘no issues’.
Not sure what I would do, but uninstalling and reinstalling both TB and Avast would be a consideration I personally would engage in.
Not suggesting, just saying.
That is excellent information so there is hope for my config; however, you have Avast Pro and I am using Avast free so I’m wondering if there is a difference. Anyway, I’m going to continue installing other apps and, if need be, I’ll try the double reinstall. However, until then, if anyone is using Avast free with Thunderbird 17.0.2, please provide any feedback that might help me solve this issue. Thanks again schmidthouse.
That’s good information; however, there is most likely a difference between schmidthouse’s version of Avast and mine relative to the installation date. Please understand that I’m not trying to say it’s an Avast problem when it could be a Thunderbird problem… or even an oversight problem on my part. Right now, I’m going over everything on my end with a fine-tooth comb. I’ll post back once I fix it but keep the ideas coming in please because I think I’m sorta stuck at this point. Thanks again Bob3160.
OK. I found the problem but I’m not sure I can explain it technically. Well, I decided to start working on a different Windows 8 problem for a while. Specifically, my modem download speeds had become very inconsistent since migrating to Windows 8 and when I looked at my network adapter settings, I saw a bunch of new stuff supporting IPV6 and other Microsoft garbage that I couldn’t even begin to figure out. Now, remembering back to my XP days, the only thing I really needed then was TCP/IP v4 so I deleted everything that Windows 8 would allow me to delete, and when I was done, the only choices left were TCP/IP v4 and v6, so I unticked the v6 and rebooted. So now I reran several browser speed tests and all was well again. FYI, what additionally prompted me to look into the network adapter settings was the fact that I saw I had an assigned TCP/IP v6 address (somewhere) in Windows 8 and my SB6120 modem was reporting a status of “offline” but it was still working (but not well). Anyway, I started to feel good about my success in resolving this problem so I went back to have a peek at the Thunderbird/Avast issue… and guess what, it was all fixed too! All notifications and reporting (as described previously in this thread) had returned to normal… just like they were in XP so I am one happy camper now! Many thanks to the two chaps that provided feedback and guidance. So, who would have technically figured out this solution? Certainly not me! Cheers.