Avast not seeing virus nor can i delete it.

I am using Windows on a Mac, and on my Mac OS, Bitdefender identifies a virus in a windows file. It is in a recovery area. It is an invisible file. Avast does not see it as a virus, and when I find it on my Windows 10 system I am not able to delete it. Unresoivead threats:
Gen: Variant. Jonnnie.310933
/Volumes/WinxP/System Volume Information_restore{E5636AA9-0BCA-47B9-B5E7-E4056036BF46}\RP21 > A0016504.rbf

Anyone know how to force delete this file? I’ve sent the file into Avast.
I was told it was in an email, but I have deleted all emails from my Windows Mail program.

May have better response in the Mac Forum
Avast Mac Security:


but I am running avast in windows…

My misunderstanding, hopefully someone will respond. :slight_smile:

  1. Since you have Windows 10 I would have to wonder why you have what appears to be System Restore points for XP ?
    System restore points are protected to a certain degree and to try and extract a file (if this is an email (which I find hard to fathom)). It would be hard or even impossible to extract a file/email or otherwise and cobble the restore point back together without corrupting it (making it useless). So it would also depend on your detection settings if Avast would even try to remove the file.

  2. This isn’t or doesn’t appear to be an Avast Alert or malware name.
    Unresoivead threats: Gen: Variant. Jonnnie.310933
    If it is a BitDefender notification, all this is doing is confusing matters, making me wonder if you have both BitDefender and Avast installed on the windows 10 system ?

  3. I would suggest creating a new Window 10 System Restore point and then having Windows 10 clear old system restore points, the current/last one should remain.

  1. But you are running Windows within a Mac aren’t you ?
    This in itself may introduce problems, I have no idea how Avast for Windows would be able run normally on a MAC (presumably using Parallels), of which I have zero experience and the same for Mac OS.

So in that regard you may get more help in the MAC sub forum, at least they are likely to have MAC and possibly Parallels experience.

To clarify, the hard disk windows is running on is named WinXP. And that is what is visible in the path, it isn’t that it is an XP OS. Second, I only have Avast running on windows. What happened is that BitDefender, on my Mac scans all the files on the computer and found this virus in the windows partition of the hard disk. Even running as root user, I can’t eliminate the file using the Mac OS. Somehow it is locked, so I’m trying to figure out how to do a root/admin removal of the offending file in Windows.


thank you for that link. So I found that I already had system restore turned off. I think the issue is an old system restore from Win 7 in 2010. I tried to delete the whole thing but it says I don’t have permissions in Windows to do that. I require permission from S-1-1-0 to make changes to this folder. I don’t know how to do root on windows like I can on a mac in terminal. I have sent this information to Parallels, the Virtual software for Windows, to see if they can help. I am also an administrator for both Win10 and Mac.

Would my Note 3 on Reply #4 as I can only assume that windows even if run in Parallels would be able to remove all but the latest system restore. That however, would require enabling system restore for a period of time.

Also in Window there is a Disc Cleanup function - on the More Options Tab, there is a choice to clean System Restore and Shadow Copies.

Thank you! Well, I set up a restore point then deleted it. I ran the disk clean up as you suggested. It supposedly deleted all the restore points except the most current, it showed no errors, but it didn’t delete the old files. Stumped. Hopefully Parallels will have an answer.