Avast is not updating virus definitions immediately upon boot up. I’m not sure when this changed and I have checked all update settings and find that when I boot up, Avast is not updating.
I have waited as long as 30 minutes before updating definitions “manually”. I seem to remember in the past that Avast would update almost immediately after booting up. As I mentioned, I can’t see any settings different,
Updating definitions should be “priority One” upon booting up! ???
Am I missing some setting? Has anyone else noticed this or is just my installation? :
Any antivirus will check for updates but if there is none to download then you dont get any. Reboot and leave Avast alone. After 10 min or so open up the GUI and click on “maintenance”. See when it last check for updates. By default its every 4 hours. I changed mine to every 2.
Thanks. I realize this as a user for years. I have settings at 60 mins.
There is always an update if off line for more then 12 hours or so but does not appear to initiate when I boot up (as mentioned). Manual option is then initiated and update is always available, is my point.