Avast NOT

I decided to try out the free version first on a Win XP pc. It is pretty useless. It may well pick up malware but it will exclude or erase any software download it disagrees with. It took several tries before I realized I could not update my MalwareBytes unless I first disabled Avast Totally unacceptable so i will not be buying the paid version

I could not update my MalwareBytes unless I first disabled Avast
You are the first one to report that ...... and most of us use Malwarebytes ;)

No problems here downloading or updating Malwarebytes, first time I’ve heard of any problem ???

Problem not found on either this XP Pro or win7 systems, both with MBAM Pro.

No problems here, either. Downloaded and updated to MBAM Free 2.0.3 yesterday on both machines.

I’ll be downloading and upgrading MBam v2 (on xpSP4 32 Bit) later today and will report.
Don’t anticipate any issues as I also have never experienced the OP issue :slight_smile:


Maybe you did not completely uninstall a previous resident av solution
or are working two resident av solutions at a time,
and then such issues are bound to happen.

Cannot imagine anything outside that scheme! :o
