Avast "nuking" c:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\System Update\uncserver.exe

I have a Lenovo T530 running Windows 10 - up to date and running Avast Free - 17.4.2294 (build 17.4.3482.9) Virus Def: 170516-2

I have Lenovo System Update 5 (latest level - 5.07.0045). Avast keeps quarantining/blocking
c:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\System Update\uncserver.exe

I uninstalled System Update 5 and reinstalled - same issue.

Should I just add c:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\System Update\uncserver.exe to the exclusion list?

MAN, these verification letters are HORRIBLE to try and see!!


Forgive my “duh-ness” but I went to the link and put the issue in the description but it will not allow me to submit it without a file attachment?

Ofcourse it will not let you submit it without a file.
How do you expect avast to check things if they don’t have a file to check ?

so I just send 'em c:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\System Update\uncserver.exe ? It doesn’t exist UNCServer.exe does… won’t work, but it’s there

What’s a detection name? I’m suspecting it’s PUP…

“What’s a detection name?” Huh? You wure you put that on the right thread? Nothing about detection names here that I know of.

When avast detect something it will give a malware name depending on malware type … eksample: Win32:WanaCry-A [Trj]

No logs of anything that I can find. Just a popup message that it was a threat and being blocked. Uninstalled Lenovo System Update 5 and reinstalled - same thing but no logs that I can find to check. I looked in the virus chest - nothing relevant.

The malware name given will be on the avast pop up, also if file is moved to chest the name should be displayed there

I’ll uninstall and reinstall again and pay very close attn. I’ll see if I can snap an image of the popup - nothing in the chest about it though.

If you right click avast tray icon, you can select show last popup. There is a pin in the popup top right corner, click it an pin it to screen
This only work if you have not rebooted after the popup