Avast 'number check'

my old phone had setup where if i text a 'number and it was fake or invaled it woudl tell me

now that i have a samsung s4 and no longer need this im trying to disable it because i think its causing my phone to not send or recieve messages properly. is there a way to disable this or remove it?

I Think its called ‘number filtering’ butall the features are disabled.

Well, may be the best way is to consult your device’s manual…I do not know about avast having such a feature.

this is from avast, i had moble support long ago

the number its sending from is +1121611611
‘number’ Error invalid number. please re-send using a valid 10 digit mobile number or valid short code ‘message i had’

I am sorry, are you talking about message shield (you can turn it off on main dashboard) or about SMS filter?

i dont have avast installed anymore

this problem is still not fixed…

Sorry, I have no idea you are talking about.

The manual for that phone can be found here: