You can find them here:
Special thanks to Martin Novak who helped me with the sample icon.
I hope you’ll all like them
You can find them here:
Special thanks to Martin Novak who helped me with the sample icon.
I hope you’ll all like them
It looks good but the image on that page ( ) is not very nice, is it? I mean, how did you shrink it from ? It looks like you’ve used PaintBrush or some other not-very-powerful downsampler
Strange,it looks fine to me in Opera. I used Paintshop Pro 8 and image is 1:1 size. Its a screenshot of 4 PNG thumbnails inside folder. Ill check this in IE…
They look nice in IE6 too ???
Very strange…
Are you serious?
It’s quite a bit serrate (jagged), isn’t it?
Aha i got it ;D
My original picture (19 KB):
197 x 196 pixels
Your picture (9,6 KB):
150 x 149 pixels
Its nothing wrong with your browser or anything. Wincustomize has an option to select Quality or Performance mode for the page in user profile (if you’re registered at Wincustomize). Somehow they have Performance mode only for unregistered users,and thats why image looks ugly. Damn i’m a good detective 8)