Avast Off and cannot turn ON!

HELP!! Please I need help… This morning I started my computer but could not connect to the internet so restarted in Safe Mode and did a system repair and restarted again. Now I have internet so I ran Avast complete scan and a Quick scan but showed no problems. I also ran Spybot_D and a Malware program which did show an adware (4) in the rootkit. I "fixed"removed the problem and did a restart and now my Avast is off and I cannot start it. Tried to remove but could not kept saying “Avast is not on”. Does anyone know what is going on and how to fix it? Please advise

try avast repair and reboot

For a repair of avast. Windows, Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button from the pop-up window, scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.

I tried that and as I mentioned in my post I got a message that Avast was not on…I appreciate your offer of help got any other suggestions? as I am totally lost and do not want to run my comp w/o protection

Is it showing Unsecured?

Yes…The orange globe has a red X and when you touch it w/cursor it says"avast! AVAST: WARNING, your system is insecure.

Try to remove the avast using below steps and then reinstall it.


I hope you don’t think I’m totally dumb but when the instructions says download to your desktop what exactly does this mean…because when I try to dl this program it does not show on my desktop.

When you download the removal tool it will be downloaded to wherever you have choosen your downloads to go eg ( documents, downloads ) and the tool has to be run in safe mode, as Pondus mentioned in reply 1 try a repair of avast first by following the instuctions he placed for you, the system repair you ran is not a repair of avast.

The removal link works but a message comes up that self-protection needs to be disabled in Settings. I have done that but the “self protect” does not remain disabled. Therefore, I cannot remove Avast.

I have a warning message saying the Avast firewall is turn off and I cannot turn it on?

Repair Avast:

  1. Control Panel → Add/Remove programs → Avast
  2. Click on ‘Repair’.
  3. Follow instructions.
  4. Reboot.