Avast on-Acces Scanner

Hi there

When i start my Avast on-access scanner I’m informed that Outlook/Express is waiting for at subsystem to start. Furthermore I cannot send or receive any mails. I’m running a Win XP and Outlook Express. Anyone help me ???

Start Outlook Express. That’s the ‘subsystem’ it’s waiting for.

The Outlook scanner is only active when Outlook (express) is active.

“Outlook/Exchange” protects MS Outlook (not Express) and Exchange client. It is waiting because you don’t use them, it’s OK. “Internet Mail” is for all other mail programs, e.g Outlook Express.
What error messages does Outlook Express display ?

Oops, I was wrong.

(shifting the blame) It’s Petm’s fault! He said “I’m informed that Outlook/Express…”