avast On-Access Scanner:7 providers 6 Running

hi, can someone tell me why my avast on-access scanner says 7 providers [total]

6 running, when i checked what was running ,the one that says Outlook/Exchange

says The Provider Is Waiting For A Subsystem To Start the other 6 are Running.

what does that mean, why is outlook/exchange waiting?

my computer has been acting strange, i am thinking maybe there is a virus, especially if not all 7 providers are running, is that possible?



Yes, this is normal. :slight_smile:

I’m assuming that one has to have Outlook installed on their system for this module to even be activated. What kind of symptoms or problems are you seeing?

Best Regards…

I'm assuming that one has to have Outlook installed on their system for this module to even be activated

The Outlook/Exchange provider installs by default … you need to have Outlook running for the provider to be fully active. If you do not use Microsoft Outlook (not to be confused with Outlook Express) then you can permanently terminate the Outlook/Exchange provider.

Hi Alan…

Thank you for the clarification, I wasn’t completely sure how that worked. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

my computer is running slow, shuts down i cannot find any results from avast scan to see if it has found a virus, is avast as secure as everyone says it is? i ran a full scan with avast it did not show any infection but something tells me something is wrong, is there another free scan i can run without needing to register before running the scan ?



Yes, there is but you may want to run an online scan first. Here are a couple choices…



Please be sure to have the most recent version of java installed on your system.

To approach it from the spyware/adware end of it…



(This is for Blacklight, an rootkit scanning program. You will find it at the bottom of the page.)

I also recommend SpywareBlaster…


If these are unable to find anything, it’s possible we’re looking at a hardware issue. :frowning:

Please keep us updated. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…