Avast! on-access scanner message

Can I disable appearing Avast! on-access scanner message ?

What exactly does the message say?

It seems that you’ve changed the avast settings without knowing what you were doing…
This is an option disabled by default. You can turn it off going to the Standard Shield provider settings, Advanced tab an unchecking ‘Show detailed information on action performed’. You can do this for the other providers too.

Welcome to avast. The most configurable antivirus around 8)

Sorry to resurrect a dead thread but I’m having the same problem. Except that the solution posted everywhere in this forum (Standard Shield - Advanced - uncheck the Show Detailed Info box) isn’t working for me! I’ve unchecked that box in both the Internet Mail and Outlook providers as well. Any ideas? This is a deal breaker for 2 of my users ::slight_smile:

Config is WinXP SP2, Avast Pro 4 updated yesterday.

Make sure the equivalent box is unchecked in the Web Shield and in the Internet Mail provider.

And the Standard Shield provider too :wink:

Standard Shield, Internet Mail, Outlook, Web Shield - you name it, all have that box unchecked :frowning:

Would it be easier for me to call support or create a ticket or something so that we could troubleshoot this off-forum?

It would be much faster here, can you either give in indication of what is in these messages or post a screen shot to help pin it down.

No problem, the messages I’m referring to are the red-text-on-yellow-background ones that pile up in the bottom right corner of your screen under the heading “Avast On-access Scanner Message” as virus-infected email gets d/led from the server. Each line details the virus, where it came from etc. If you’re unlucky enough to have an email account that gets hit hard, these will come in so fast that the lines start to pile up until they occupy half your screen area. If you right click on them they’ll disappear, BTW, but that’s not a good solution for my users. They don’t want to see anything.

As I said before, the “show detailed information” checkbox is not checked on any of the providers loaded. I do have them all running in silent mode with Yes/Delete/Deny as the default actions in case that helps - I think that’s the only thing changed from the default behaviour.

What is your/their email program?
If MS Outlook or MS Exchange is the Outlook/Exchange provider running and have you disabled the Show Detailed info here. I’m not sure id you need the silent mode if you are deleting unconditionally.

If all installed providers/plug-ins have the ‘Show detailed information on action performed’ unticked, I can’t see where these messages are coming from.

Did you follow what I’ve posted?

But you can let some messages if you configure them.
If you click ‘Settings’ in my signature you’ll find a section of avast4.ini file where you can configure the transparency, the font size, the number, the colors, etc. of these messages.