Avast On-Access Scanner Message

I suddenly have Avast On-Access Scanner Message popping up on my screen showing what it is scanning. This is very disturbing as it covers some of what needs to be viewed. This is a constant action of popping on and off while showing the same scan or any new scan.

Can someone please tell me how to turn this feature off?

Thanks much in advance.

Had the same problem easily fixed. Not sure why it all of sudden occurs, I think with updates. It’s happened a couple of times without me doing anything.

  1. Left click on the avast ‘a’ icon,

  2. Click the Details… >> button if shown (ignore if the less details … button is showing)

  3. Select the Standard Shield provider > Customize > Advanced

  4. Uncheck - ‘Show detailed info on performed actions’

If that doesn’t work go through each of the providers. I found it in Script Blocking but you’ll also find it in others such as Web Shield and Internet Mail.

Keep going until you find one with a tick in it and uncheck it.

Well by default these are disabled as they are a pain in the rear (so an update wouldn’t change that) and really only intended for a bit of debugging to see what is actually being scanned.

These on-access scanner messages aren’t avast 5.0 at all, so there is another option for you (not for win9.x, winME) update to avast 5.0.507.

Thanks much walpatamy,

That did the trick and I’m all happy once again. Have a great day.