I keep having to change the Avast on-line security to “block all.” No matter how many times I switch that in settings, the next time I open the browser, it has defaulted back to “allow all.” This, for me, makes this add-on essentially worthless.
What OS/SP ?
What browser ?
What exact avast version ?
Is there any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
Windows 10
It is not a free version, I purchased Avast (they don’t seem to make it easy to find out what exact version I have)
No other security software other than Maleware Bytes
Right click the avast tray icon and select About Avast, done.
Ahh thanks.
Program version 17.4.2294
I don’t know if the current version uses cookies, but I know in the past the Avast Online Security extension used cookies to save your settings, so anything that cleared all cookies would also remove the Avast Online Security extension settings.
If you are not clearing cookies on shutdown of Firefox, but you use privacy browsing, try setting the Online Security options in a regular window, shut down firefox completely, then start up Firefox and see if the settings stick when you then use privacy browsing.
@ ftroendle
You’re welcome.
Are you running avast under a restricted user, if so any changes to the settings could roll back ?
Whilst I don’t have AIS and its firewall (so I’m not familiar with the correct terms), but I wonder what your firewall setting is Private, Public, etc. ?
If set to Private I wonder if it overrides the Block All.
That said I don’t know how/why you have set the avast Firewall to ‘block all’ for a browser ?
As that is what a browser is there to do, connect to the internet, when you use it.
Block all means block all trackers, it does not block connection to the internet.
I am not running as a restricted user.
That might be it, I will try to provide an exemption for Avast (I thought I already did).
Up-date: I checked, and there does not seem to be a cookie set when I save the settings.
Firefox also has its own Privacy Option and there is a do not track function. I don’t know if that would suit your requirements.
Didn’t have that turned on. And that was just when in privacy mode. I do have it turned on now ;D
That may save you some grief trying to get it working in the firewall.
Still have same problem. Every time I start Firefox, the default on AVAST goes to:
Automatic blocking of trackers: Disabled
No matter that I have saved it to be Enable
You are correct in that to run this add-on correctly, one must enable the so-called “Automatic blocking of trackers” every time one starts a new browser session.
I’ve noted this behavior ever since it was first brought out over three years or so ago. It never has had that setting set correctly the entire time.
What to do?
Remember to turn the setting on every time you run the browser. It does work.