Avast on network

I run Windows XP and have a network set up between 2 coputers. Both Computers have avast home edition 4.1 on them. When i startup my computer and login the icon in the system tray has a small red circle down the bottom and wont run for a couple of minutes but after that its fine and works normally. My friend who is networked to my computer does not have this problem. We both have the same version and virus database. Do you know why this may be happening. Thanks

Please check out the Windows Event Viewer, Antivirus category. Does it show any red entries?

(Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Event Viewer).


Computer which it is happening on is not at home right now but will be getting it tomorrow. will check and get back to you over weekend. Sorry

I checked the antivirus section in events but nothing in red just couple of yellow warnings but about virus got while ago. I had the computer off the network and avast loaded straight away but started going slow again when linked it back up again. Must be the network that slows it down maybe.