I’ve been an Avast user for a long time and been on this forum quite a bit as David R. might remember.
I’ve recently networked my XP machine and a new Vista one. I downloaded Avast Version 4.8 Home edition
on the Vista box–smooth no problems. I registered and got my e-mail with the license key but as i do not have my regular mail installed on Vista it came in OE on XP. I copied the license key from the mail and
toggled to Vista, pulled up the licence key box and tried to paste–no joy, only a blank line.
Next I forwarded the mail to Yahoo on which I do have access on Vista. When I try to copy in that mail
I get a clip only box. Is this a Vista quirk that I don’t yet know? I tried to type the key in and it said invalid. What can I do?
Donna in AR