Avast On-Premise Management Console 7.29 HF6

We’re pleased to announce that Avast Business On-Premise Management Console 7.29 - Hotfix 6 was released.

This release improves stability and fixes issues with Master Agents.

Resolved issues
• Fixed an issue where devices with Master Agent functionality were disappearing from the list of Master Agents and it wasn’t possible to enable the functionality back on those devices.
• Fixed an issue where devices with Master Agent functionality enabled were getting Deactivating status shortly after the functionality was enabled.
• Fixed an issue with getting an error when opening the console.

Known issues
CBC-13397 AV updates not working properly via a local update server in rare cases

Avast On-Premise Management Console 7.29 HF6

Remember, to upgrade your Avast Business On-Premise Console immediately, go to our web and download the installer manually. In-application check for the new version will happen gradually in upcoming weeks.


I’m administrator of avast business console onpremise version 7.29.968

I have a big problem:
If I search for a machine by name, check the box next to the name, and create a new restart task, avast shows that only 1 device is selected. when I click on APply, we see that the created task will be applied to X machines out of 119 (i.e. my entire network)

All my company is impacted by computers and “SERVERS” reboot, no internet, no intranet, no authentification, total blackout, it’s dangerous.

do you confirm me it’s a bug?
if the onpremise console has a peculiarity of behavior between:
check the box in phase of the computer and at the top create a task, and the three small dots to the right of the computer name to create a task (different behavior or bug) on the filter section, it’s very important…
Can you confirm me it’s a bug or dangerous actions?
THank you