Avast On top! of all av's

i found this and would like to inform you :slight_smile:

I am supprised to see that NONE is in #8 place ???

That just goes to show how many no brainers are out there. :cry:

For me, avast! has always been on top. :slight_smile:

Some are just not real smart.

Unfortunately, not being smart seems to be a growing trend.

Could just be that forum’s Linux/Apple users.

blind ppl!

Well other is in 9th, must be some real obscure AVs out there ;D

A poll… nothing more than a poll…

yepp …it could be the one i have posted in the Rogue Gallery ;D

Another sign of 13 year olds that think they know everything. :wink:

ahahahaha nice one ;D

You might have noticed my post in there but there is a correction that is due. Should now be-- I have 4 paid licenses and 1 FREE. ;D

Another sign of 13 year olds that think they know everything.
Please, enough of the degrading remarks. :(