Avast on Twitter ! (avast4_Linux )

I’ve opened an account on twitter asking Avast to update Avast4linuxworkstations.

I’m not that familiar with Twitter; however find this post by:

School IT pros: Want to save money next year? avast! Endpoint Protection Suite is FREE for schools. Apply now!
and you'll see I've asked to have update to Avast4linuxworkstations See my post ? [b] My Account.[/b] https://twitter.com/avast4_Linux ;) You can simply "Open conversation" on my account tweets' it seems and the "School IT pros:" tweet will open.

Help me out if you want the Avast company to update Avast4linuxworkstations. They can only ignore us, but the greater public will be educated that there is a Linux Avast scanner, and how old and outdated it is :smiley:


Abraxas. I’m outa here, lol

Your overwhelming support is inversely proportionate to complaints about lack of functionality in the current Avast4Linuxworkstations.

My work here is done.
