This morning, they finally added avast to the VirusTotal service (similar to Jotti)
This morning, they finally added avast to the VirusTotal service (similar to Jotti)
That’s good news i’ll be sure to add it to my bookmarks
Hi Vlk,
Conratulations. We can advise peolple to go there. This is good for the download statistics. We help you there, also on other forums! Good it has the possibility to send files SSL. Thans a bonus when confidential files are concerned.
You don’t send confidential files there at all! SSL connectin yes and no,file is sent there. SSL is just to avoid proxy antiviruses. Use local scanners for such files instead!
Hi RejZor,
Is that why you update one file at a time, and is it always insecure (also jotti), if confidential files are to be checked, is there an alternative for instance update through mail? What is a good security procedure in this case?
No,you’re missing my point. It’s not that someone will intercept you connection and steal sensitive file you wanna scan,but the fact that you SEND the file to some remote machine. I trust Jotti a bit,but VirusTotal is totally unknown to me and i wouldn’t submit any sensitive files to scan. Use local scanner instead or use Web based scanner that downloads it’s components to your disk (like Housecall does).
Hi RejZoR,
Understood thanx,
Adding of Avast is the good news.
Bad news is they need to configure their scanners better.
5 of their av’s say “no virus found”, while I submitted 500+ samples in a rar file
Congrats avast! and Alwil !
It’s only… I thought you (Vlk) mentioned before that you have some concerns about those multi-engine services… is anything changed drastically from back then or what ?
Older thread where you stated above mentioned:
Thanks in advance !
Great! ;D