Avast on Vista not scanning all locations

see this screenshot of avast on vista


Can someone explain why on vista it leaves so many places unscanned…

I suspect that this is because vista has different administrator rights than xp had. But I would like someone to explain… because…
if it leaves so many places unscanned isnt it dangerous?

I know you can do a boot scan… but is there another way to solve this problem?
perhaps running the scanner with a right click> run as an administrator or something?

I am a super supporter of avast… I spread the word about avast to everyone,
and there have been many new users because of this…

keep up the fantastic work! Thank you in advance

This is not a problem. That ProgramData folder is just some kind of link to some C:\Users\USERPROFILE\Local\Roaming or so. And all folders with spaces in names were renamed in Vista, these not accessed are only links to the new names for compatibility with previous Windows version.

Besides what Chocholo wrote, are you an user with admin rights? Or you’re scanning with an account with limited access?

What account are you running the scan from? Admin (even UAC’ed) or standard user?

In other words, when you start avast, are you getting the UAC prompt? (unless you have turned UAC off altogether).
