Avast One firewall issue

I have just installed a new PC running windows 10 and installed Avast One Essentials (free version).

How to add firewall rules like on the previous Avast Free Antivirus for Windows as described here:https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/Antivirus-Firewall-Network-Rules/ ?
(the settings icon is missing)

Moreover, applications are missing form the list of applications. Is it possible to browse for an application that you want to block (as it used to be available in previous version) ?

Can you please help?


Avast One Essential and Avast Free Antivirus are different products. Is it not possible to browse for an application that you want to block. If applications are missing from the list of applications, it generally implies that they have not tried to connect to the internet yet. If the applications have tried to connect to the internet and are still not present in the list, please provide a screenshot and support file ID. https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/Submit-support-file

Thank you for your quick answer.
Isn’t One supposed to be the updated/replacement version of Antivirus free?

Which one would you recommend for best security?

Dev-Info: To set expectations right, Avast One is not a replacement of the Antivirus or other Avast products. Avast One is a new product line with a distinct feature set. Pre-existing products remain available, should you prefer to keep those.

I have a new issue with the firewall.
I can no longer see the blocked applications below the application list.
So how do I re-activate a blocked application?

Thanks for your help.

https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/48/ (Firewall FAQ)

My question is not answered in the FAQ.

The list of blocked application (under APPS list) has disappeared.

2 days and 2 issues. I might have to go back to Antivirus Free. This new version seems to be still in beta.

Well, it’s no beta, but do as you like.

@ ulambert
Be aware that Avast Free now has a firewall component, so the same issue could be same. However on installing Avast Free (after uninstalling Avast One) the firewall component shouldn’t be installed by default. So exercise care during installation if you do go back to Avast Free, a clean install of Avast Free would be best, uninstall Avast One reboot and then install Avast Free and reboot.