Avast One Individual - what's wrong?

As I was very happy with Avast Free AV and desperately looking for a VPN program, I blindly decided to install Avast One and to make an upgrade to Individual. As big was my trust in Avast!!

Compared to the other Avast Program now i have to say:

  1. the look of AO seems to be from the last century, AND WHERE IS A DARK(ER) MODE?
  2. it runs slowlier and it slows down my pc
  3. It still doesn’t show me on the list the 2nd (and in the meantime the 3rd) device, on which it was installed too
  4. it tells me that apparently I’m offline, even if I’m not
  5. stays at 99% during his disk-cleaning job and doesn’t stop anymore until I cancel it manually

I just installed it yesterday and upgraded today, and I start to regret having accepted the offer of -73% for the first year, which seems to be very fair, but with all this issues in a few hours already (???) And I don’t know what to expect in the near future. It’s really disappointig as I never had any issues with the free program, it was running flawless and was simply amazing :cry:

Are really the same people behind the different Avast Programs?

Edit: The Android version on my OPPO Reno 8 Pro is, on the other hand, simply awesome…and with dark mode :smiley:

If you like Avast Free AV (as I do) I would have stuck with that (which I have). Whilst Avast One may have more components it has less configurability as I mentioned in the other topic you posted in - https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=323179.msg1707434#msg1707434

Programs for Android and mobiles phone apps in general are going to be optimised for low battery usage (so darker uses less battery).