Avast Online Security browser extension gone- firefox


i have a small problem:

yesterday i had to install the creators update für windows 10.
after i installed it the avast online security plugin in firefox is gone.
i use firefox 53

the icon is missing and when i look under plugin ins its gone.

i reinstalled avast but the plugin is still missing.

how can i enable it again ??

Try the following:

Repair Avast:
Control Panel> Program and Features (Add/remove program)>Select Avast> Select Repair. Reboot when completed
If Repair doesn’t fix the problem, try the following:
Clean Install of Avast:


but it does not work.
i did a clean offline install but the browser plugin is still missing

when i look into avast options it says that its installed
but it is not

i guess something from that creators update changed something
may be its this smart screen stuff…

edit: i disabled all 3 smart screen settings
and re installed avast but plugin is still missing

I’m on Windows 10 v. 1703 and as you can see have no problem with AOS on Firefox:




hmm i use 64 bit version of firefox
but i guess that will not make a huge difference

is there a way to install the plug in manually?

edit: just tested 32 bit version still dont work
my folder in c:\user\myname\appdata\roaming\mozilla\extensions is empty


I can’t answer about the 64 bit version since that’s not what I have installed./ It may make a difference.

looks exactly like on your screenshot

even uninstall reboot and install the browser extension again won’t help
avast says its installed but in firefox its missing

i installed another plugin (download helper) to test but this works
so w10 is not blocking firefox extensions in general

The only other difference is the fact that I’m using the 32 bit version of FF and you’re using the 64 bit version.

i tried 32 bit version no difference

(before i installed the creators update it worked with 64 bit firefox)

i reinstalled avast and firefox several times
but it dont work

before i download the new w10 creators iso version
and reinstall w10 and all programms/games (will take “some” time)
would be good to know why the plugin is missing

is there a hidden “expert” installation of avast ?
i mean that avast will show a log on screen what its doing during install ?
so that i can see when avast tries to install the plugin what happens.

i get no error message and avast believes its installed

You could try the following:

oki thx
i’ll try that

hmmm is there no way to install the plugin manually ?

edit: just installed chrome and the plugin is missing there too

Sounds like the horse before the cart ?
The browser doesn’t know about the extension and Avast doesn’t know about the browser.
Try a repair of Avast and see if you then have the extension in Chrome.

Repair Avast:
Control Panel> Program and Features (Add/remove program)>Select Avast> Select Repair. Reboot when completed

nop does not work

but i was able to install the plugin in chrome over their online store
its working

firefox store dont have that plugin

still strange i am sure that something in windows prevents avast from installing the plugin
i disabled these 3 smart screen options which are new with creators udpate
but this had no effect
must be something else in windows defender security settings
avast is found by windows as av software and its active

If it was something in Windows, then it also would have blocked it in Chrome.
It isn’t blocked in Chrome or FF on my system.
You could however be using an extension in FF that’s preventing the Avast extension.

You do realise that when you install Avast, the browser protection notification to install the extension are delayed for 12 hours.

If you’ve rejected the notification in the past, it won’t show up.

i disabled the security center “Microsoft.Windows.SecHealthUI_cw5n1h2txyewy”
completely and tried it again but still no plugin
so its not the windows defender stuff

i had only download helper installed in firefox
no difference without that

which notification u mean ?

i installed avast and selected the plugin in the options during install
after that it looked like the screenshot bob postet

You know in the browser (let’s say Chrome), you get a notification to enable an extension in the top right corner when it is installed.

What I’m saying is, if you’ve done a clean install of Avast, that notification to enable Avast Online Security is delayed for 12 hours after installation. That is the case even if you have selected the browser security component in Avast.

If it hasn’t come after 12 hours of installing Avast, there’s a problem.

thats for sure

the plugin was installed and working before i updated windows
windows creators update removed the plugin without telling me anything

Why would the update remove it on your system and not mine ???
You also don’t see other complaining about the windows update doing it to their computers.
I think you’re barking up the wrong tree and should be looking at something other than the Windows update.

i just went back to the old windows 10
by uninstalling the creators update

after that i reinstalled avast
and i got the plugin again !!

now i know which notification alikhan means
after i installed avast
firefox asks me to allow the plugin to be installed
now its working again

but in a few days i have to update again thx to ms