Avast! Online Security IE extension blocking Microsoft Update

I verified this on two computers, one running Vista, the other, a brand new Windows 7 machine. Avast! version 2014.9.0.2011

To replicate - Start Windows Update and click the Get updates for other Microsoft products. Find out more link.
It provides a blank page.

In IE, click on Manage Add-ons and disable avast! Online Security and try the Microsoft update link again.

I’m in the process of checking this on another computer that already using Microsoft updates. I’ll disable and see what happens.

I checked on a computer with Microsoft update already installed. I disabled MS update in Windows Update settings and got a blank screen in IE when it tried to install MS update. Disabled avast! Online Security and was able to install MS Update.

Once MS update is installed, it appears to work properly.

The “avast online security” plug-in/add-on has proven to the the culprit in quite a few users browsers. Mine included.
Glad you figured it out. I have the AOS disabled in each of my browsers. 8)

Just so I understand correctly (it’s early and I might be missing something simple here), what Microsoft updates was the AOS blocking in IE? Maybe you can provide an example.