Here is tutorial :
C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\WebRep\FF
Copy the content of FF folder (4 subfolders and 2 files) to the desktop.
Right click on selected files and folders and select Send to - Compressed (zipped) folder.
Name zip file something like avast online
Change zip extension to xpi .You’ll see warning from Windows.Just click OK.
Now you’ll have avast online security.xpi file.
Important :
Go to Avast settings - WebRep & Antiphishing and select everything before
installing avast online security,otherwise it won’t work.
Now,drag and drop avast online security.xpi file onto Pale Moon open window.
You’ll see addon installation window.
Install avast online security.
Thx for sharing this
Did everything…step by step…in the last step PaleMoon said:
“This Add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt.”
Did “zipping” repeatedly, still nothing.
Tried on Win7 Ultimate x64 and also on Win8 Pro x64. Result is same . Any idea why? Thanx in advance for any help.
Did you zipped all files and folders into one zip file
(content,defaults,locale,skin,chrome.manifest,install.rdf) ?
Avast online security in FF folder is only unpacked addon.
By zipping the content of FF folder and changing zip extension to xpi,
you’re just packing it as addon.
What version of Pale Moon are you using ?
I tried one more time with Pale moon 20.1 and everything is OK.
Thanx for your help. Palemoon 20.1, yes I “zipped” all mentioned files and folders in one compressed file, using WinRAR 4.20. Then I changed extention to .xpi, did every needed settings in Avast WebRep & Antiphishing and dragged .xpi to open Palemoon.
Result is always the same :Instead of usual Palemoon installation window this error sign pope up…“This Add-on could not be installed because it appears to be corrupt.”
Any idea? Thanx again for any help.
Maybe problem is WinRAR.
Try with right click: Send to - compressed (zipped) folder.
I believe there is that option in every Windows 7 & 8.
Thanx for your reply. That’s what I did. Because I have WinRAR installed on my system, it will always open itself as default for compress (zipped) files creation. I never had problem using WinRAR, ever! Well, if you have any other ideas, just post it here.
Thanx again in advance.
Good news. I tried for 3 more time to go step by step thru instruction, and guess what…third trial was successful. EXCELLENT. Thanx a lot.