I would like your help regarding one important problem that I face!!
I installed some months ago the Avast Online Security tool to my Mozilla Firefox. Generally, Avast Online Security is is a helpful tool providing information regarding the security of a web page based on the comments of various avast users! Today I tried to open one of my Gmail accounts at my Mozilla Firefox and Avast Online Security provided me a notice saying that this page is a phishing site! How is this possible??? How could my Gmail Account be a phishing site???
Is this a false alarm or something goes wrong with my gmail account???
I want to notice that my antivirus is Avast Internet Security. Moreover, I want to notice that I opened another gmail account that I have at chrome and there was no problem, as I have not installed Avast Online Security tool at Chrome. Only at Mozilla Firefox!
I want also to notice that Avast Online Security provides this notive only for this Gmail Account, but not for my hotmail account or other email addresses.
Moreover, my network seems to be safe and my PC seems to be free from viruses. Additionally, my gmail account could not be hacked as it has a two-steop verification and it is safe.
Please help me! I cannot understand what has happened and why one of my gmail accounts is recognized as a phishing address.
So, you think that I do not have to worry about that and I do not have to make any further action, right?
Can I do something in order to be sure that everything is ok and that there is no problem? Is it safe to “mark” the site of my email account as trustworthy?
Thanks for reporting it! I have fixed the issue :).
This was caused by a false positive in a phishtank database, namely this URL was mistakenly flagged: “https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#inbox”
Can you guys confirm that you are not getting the warning when opening your email the same way as before?
I updated the virus definition and then I opened again my emails. Everything seems to be ok now! The problem seems to have been fixed!
As this was a false positive alarm, there was no problem in the gmail accounts, right? So, I think that we do not have to do any further action (e.g. changing passwords, etc). Is this right?