Hi!!, I performed a clean installation of Avast Free 17.1.2286 with avastclear, and Avast Online Security only was installed in Firefox (51.0.1 (32-bit)) but not in Google Chrome (56.0.2924.87 (64-bit)). It´s normal??
You should also get the notification on Google Chrome to install AOS however you will not if you’ve ever removed the extension or declined to install in past.
If in the past on Chrome or any devices which are synced to Google Chrome account had removed AOS or declined to install… Chrome would change the AOS state to removed thus leading to all devices on the Google account to not get any notifications of the plugin in the future. It’s a feature of Google…
One more thing to note here is plugin notifications are delayed for 12 hours after installing Avast.
Hi Alikham thanks for the reply :), but in the past I only had AOS disabled, not removed and in this new installanion, the notice of AOS added to chrome never has appeared.