I have a problem with avast opening Chrome every time I log onto my computer. If I uninstall Chrome I have no problems, but as soon as I install chrome again Avast will open chrome and send me to an avast page every time I log on. This problem started only after my mirror pushed out the new version 8.
I have tried removing and reinstalling avast on this machine, but no luck. I have also removed and reinstalled Chrome, also with no luck.
That doesn’t seem to have any effect. I had to do at at the machine because I could not find that option on the server side. Regardless, I checked the box and resarted the computer and Chrome still opened and displayed an Avast ad screen.
This problem is appearing on all my machines with the new v8 and Chrome.
Took me a little bit to figure out where the “expert settings” were, but one I found them, it solved it perfectly
I found it odd that this became such a blatant pop up at every boot, and we have to dig in expert settings for a swich. After this subscription is done, I am moving our office to something other than avast.
This worked perfectly for me, but the image wouldn’t show until I logged in to the forum, which meant a lot of wasted time searching around the Small Office Administration Console.
For those browsing this topic without being logged in, here is where to find the “Expert settings”:
[ol]- Log in to the Small Office Administration Console
Click the “Network” menu item
You should be on “Group View” automatically, but if not, click that menu item underneath “Network”.
Click the “Edit group settings” button, it will be on the right above the computer icons.
At the bottom of the list is “Expert settings”[/ol]
The full property path you want to find is avastcfg://avast5/Common/ShowChrome.
Hope that helps anyone like me who doesn’t normally log in to forums.
Noticed this behavior too. Considering that Avast BP is a paid product only, why do they feel it necessary to spam us again for something we already paid for? I believe I’ll be looking elsewhere when our license is up. I trust avast to solve my problems, not cause them.
I am an employee in a tiny company (three people) that manages IT for over a dozen small businesses, and I agree that this is totally unacceptable for this level of a product.
This is a TREMENDOUS oversight by the Avast! team, and needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY.
I’m having this problem with Avast version 9 now. I am a freeware user with no SOA to use. How do I find the expert settings to stop Chrome from loading? I use Chrome occasionally as it works better for some websites than IE, and I don’t want to uninstall Chrome. This didn’t happen to me until a recent update to version 8. Now it also happens after I upgraded to version 9.
So why does Avast even associate with chrome/google. As a paying customer there should NEVER be a default that installs or uses other software → even if it is somehow associated! We should have to select that we want this. Negative (you must disable) or default settings for some other software should be illegal!
It is NEVER good business practice to have a software package being installed without the direct consent of the customer regardless of what the marketing people say. This is exactly how spyware, et al can infect a system. Da an anti virus company doing exactly what they are trying to protect against.
I thought I would put the solution into a different list of simple steps
Logon to the dashboard/console of your Avast computer used to manage your network
Click on network
Click on “edit group settings”
Click on “expert settings”
In the very long list find the option “Show Chrome”
Change the value = 0 (That’s zero)
ps: We did not install chrome with Avast.
We did install Chrome using the Google MSI
( The MSI solves bugs with the EXE installer and multiple user logon accounts in win7)
I’m glad that they have this way to disable the chrome pop-up. I’m not happy they did it in a business or paid product to begin with. I’m not happy I had to search around for a solution either. This has wasted hours and hundreds of dollars of my company’s time.
When my corporate subscription is up, I’m going to shop around due to stuff like this. I’ve been a supporter of Avast for over 10 years and personally responsible for hundreds of paid installs but it seems like they’re going the wrong direction. I can’t continue to support it.
Check/uncheck “Do not use Chrome as avast! default browser” option.
For the EAC itself, in the root EAC settings or elsewhere, I could not figure out how to prevent the EAC from forcing me to use Chrome. This only affects endpoint client application, as far as I can tell.
I cannot find the “Network” option in the EAC. Where should I be looking?
[edit:] Maybe this is the same option (just without a list of the possible settings to modify)?