avast! + Outlook Express

Hello there,

I support some users, helping with installing and stuff. But a few of them keep having problems with version 5.0 in combination with Outlook Express. They can’t receive any mail unless they turn off the mail shield. The only solution I could find so far here was turning off the SSL in Outlook Express, but this didn’t help them at all. Is there any other solution that might fix the problem?



They need to edit the OE Account settings for accounts that use SSL/TLS they need to uncheck that option and that will allow avast to handle the StartTLS function handling the encryption.

If the account in OE has the This server requires a secure connection (SSL) for either POP3 or SMTP then it is encrypted by the time avast tries to scan it. If having done that it still doesn’t work, check the Mail Shield, Expert Settings, SSL Accounts and see if they are correct, alternatively delete the entries for them and restart. This should recreate these entries and reflect the changes made in the OE accounts and allow avast to handle the secure connection.

Are they using a Gmail account perhaps.

All my mail providers, Gmail, GMX, Hotmail, Inbox, work fine in Outlook Express after unchecking the boxes to use SSL in each account. I can even receive Yahoo mail by using FreePops. Avast! takes care of the encryption itself.

On a side note, I highly recommend GMX. It’s free, full featured, and best of all, not made by Google. You even get 2gb of free online storage space for any kind of files. It has no ads and does not place anything in your outgoing mail. You can access it as web mail or through clients such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Windows Mail and maybe others as well.

I did all that but it only worked on one of them, the rest still had problems with it.

If you can give some information on the ones that don’t work, e.g. what ISP or email service, what ports they are meant to use and if they would normally have used SSL/TLS in the OE account settings ?

If they are webmail being imported using a proprietary protocol, like Microsoft’s WebDAV or latest DetlaSync then avast can’t work with those protocols, but we need more detailed information to be able to help.

What are the full details of any errors displayed ?

I’d have to ask a few about WebDAV or DeltaSync. But they don’t receive any error messages, they just can’t receive any mail because of the shield.

But all of them are having this problem with Outlook Express and after upgrading from 4.8 to 5.0

Edit: Most of the e-mails aren’t Gmail but just Dutch ISP mailaddresses e.g. @versatel.nl

If the email isn’t Hotmail/MSN and it isn’t converted from webmail then these MS Protocols won’t be being used.

Can you post the full error message, without it we are just guessing what might be wrong.

This is more of an indication of firewall blocking and why the full text of the error message is helpful.
What is your firewall ?
Does it allow avastSvc.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entry for it and try to collect your email, this should force the firewall to ask permission again.

But are those email accounts required to use SSL/TLS ?

I found the solution, it was a problem from a Dutch provider Tele2/Versatel, all the people that had problems with it had an @zonnet.nl or @versatel.nl e-mail address.

avast! just didn’t pick up the right port for it in the SSL accounts menu.

Glad you have found the problem, thanks for the feedback.

I have exactly the same problem with a belgian provider : skynet.be

What did you change in avast 5 to get connected to the provider ?

Thanks in advance

I have a similar problem with Tele2/zonnet account on Outlook 97. Even my modem resets(!) when I collect mail. Besides that, when I have shields up, Skype gives a message on startup that its not working anymore, and so does my Superantispyware updater. I have Avast Internet Security. Can you please give a detailed solution, because I tried everything, including changing ports etc, I just cant seem to get it to work :frowning:

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