Avast password bug

Hello i found a bug with avast passeword

when we enter our passwords. nothing happens, to access our accounts after entering our passwords you have to go to another tab then click on passwords again. this bug is quite annoying.


You can submit a bug report in “About Avast”. (Add a link to this thread)


after reporting and reinstallation to own problem still present. i also noticed that when i click restart when avast asks me to. nothing is happening


Could you please provide us with screenshots for better clarification?


After entering my password, avast gets stuck in authentication picture 1

to open the password I go to the home screen picture 2

after that I go to the privacy tab then open passwords picture 3

avast passeword is open picture 4 'white is a montage"

here a video of the bug



Is this version 21.4?
Please repair Avast Antivirus, it should help.


yes is the version 21.4.

i repair but nothing change.

Thank you for the update.
I take it you restarted Windows after the repair.
These steps should work:

  1. Make sure Avast Passwords is unlocked.
  2. Go to “Privacy” > “Passwords” > “Settings” > make sure non of the options in “Auto-lock” is selected.
  3. Repair Avast Antivirus but do not Restart
    We are working on a permanent fix which should allow it to work normally again.
    You can try the above steps or wait for the update.


It has been fixed. Please make sure that you have UI version 1.0.643 (Menu > About)
Please see this guide on manually updating the application (if need be).