Avast password protected itself. Can't access Settings

Avast version 6.0.1000, OS is Windows XP 64bit

I can’t get to my Avast settings anymore because they are now password protected, but I didn’t set the password.

The story of how it started is:

I was looking through the Avast settings one at a time. I saw that the password box was unchecked, which was as it should be, so I left it alone. I saw that the sound checkboxes were all enabled, which I thought odd, because my Avast never made any sounds when updating or anything, because I had disabled all sounds when I first installed it.

I saw that the notification popups were all set to remain up for 20 seconds. I decided to change the virus definition popup time to 2 seconds, so I deleted 20 and put 2 in the text field, and reflexively tapped Enter on the keypad.
Avast sort of flickered, like it was rapidly shuffling through screens, and settings closed. Now hitting the settings button in the upper right just darkens the screen and shows a password prompt with a countdown. Also, now the annoying voice announces virus definition updates 3 times a day, which I obviously can’t turn off.

The password is not “password” or “Avast” and it’s not blank… Anyone got any ideas what I could do?

password issues have been reported a few times, and they’ve remained a mystery so far ??? … sorry, no idea… you may get more luck with others though :wink:

ps: in the meantime, because the wait might be long, I’d suggest you uninstall/reinstall Avast.

I’m afraid that will be the only solution. ;D

Thank you, gentlemen.

Which isn’t too bad a thing as you can install the latest program version 6.0.1091.

Not many people are using Windows XP 64bit.

It would be best to install avast! V6.0.1091

probably related, and I guess you can prove your point…

My tip is if you don’t need to change avast!'s settings, leave them alone. Otherwise, i recommend a fresh install.

good tip ::slight_smile:


You can not uninstall if the setting is password protected… I have tried but no success… So I don’t think he can do clean install… but can over previous version


The only way to get rid of a password protect is to do an uninstall and clean install using Avast’s Uninstaller Tool. You cannot upgrade to the newer version if you are password protected and forgot the password or is mysteriously password protected itself. The only solution for this OP is to uninstall and do a clean install, which is what we have all been saying. But this is a good opportunity for the OP to install the newest version of Avast instead of the outdated version he/she has been using. :wink:

you can in safe mode, password or not :wink: