Avast password protection

Noticed this feature a few days ago. Would this feature protect Avast if virus/malware tried to disable it? I have had malware disable avast in the past.


Steven Means that there is another feature for that purpose that is Self protection, which protects avast files and registry even processes

…so this feature “just” prevents from real, in-front-of-the-PC-sitting guests probably tweaking the settings?

Hmmm… no woman no cry :smiley:


Self defense module is thought to protect avast.
The password indeed protect the disabling, but it is rather thought to protect from “other” users :slight_smile:

As a matter of fact, all I meant was “No”, since that is the appropriate answer to the OP’s question. ;D
Had the question been amended with “…or is there another protection feature” I would have answered that part of the question as well.

But I agree that my answer was a little short though… 8)