Avast passworded not by me . .

I just installed this copy of Avast Free today, not had time to put any password on it and now it will not allow me to access any part because there is a password required. How may I get control back on my system . . Avast! any way. This is frustrating . . do not know where the password came from nor how it was setup. Attempted to use the clear fiel from Avast, but; something about self-protection is still up and will not unintall.

I have spent the last several days attempting to solve an issue where my laptop keyboard just stopped working. Had to use the ‘on screen keyboard’ and mouse click the letters to type info to request assistance. When none was produced, by Microsoft, had to investigate myself and discovered the registration files had become corrupted. Had to roll back to April, 2012 to use an image to get my system back to normal. Had to spend the day getting my software back, some what, and it looks as though it will be another day before normal operations.

Oh, one last point, still have not gotten my e-mail working again, yet.

Had to roll back to April, 2012 to use an image to get my system back to normal.
you need to turn off avast self protection when using a restore point.....avast does not like system restore
How may I get control back on my system . .
then you need to reinstall remove with the uninstall tool from safe mode, reboot .....reinstall, reboot http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility

did that fix it ?

Pondus,Thank you for this information, just have had a very bad experience with Microsoft’s Automatic Updates and am still fighting to regain control of my system. For some unknown reason when doing my restore of an Image file just about all of my protection had gone away and am struggling to get back in full operation. It is a very long and maddening experience I hope no other has a similar issue. Some time, if anyone wishes to know, PM me and I will reply to that with what has happened, why and how I managed to get through.
For now just understand it is not one problem that would be easily fixed, just set your MS Auto Update to NOTIFY me first or Do Not download until I am ready.
Will be back here after things are a little more settled. All so a very large Thank you for the information.


Forgive me for not getting back any sooner, have had issues with not only my computer but several other of friends. YES, that did, not only helped it gave me my computer back and my sanity. Thought I was going to go crazier. I keep a copy of aswclear on my system, well close at hand anyway. Had forgotten that it need be run in ‘Safe Mode’ so that large Thank you still applies.

Not only was that a problem but was in the process of changing my e-mail client back to my very favorite, Pegasus Mail, have used it for many years about 16 years when my Wife decided she did not like it and wanted another. Had to search for one that would be good for her as well as usable for me. Not going to name them all but there were about 10 or 11 and I had to change to learn how to use it before giving it to my wife. That was about 2.5 years ago. She passed on Mother’s Day, 13 May, 2012, now I am back with it and loving it every day.

Plus need to help take care of my latest GranDaughter born 2 January, 2012 premature baby, 2# 13oz. yet is doing very well. The End of my life story and the problems I am having.