Avast Passwords didn't start properly

Hi Tomas,

Hoping you can help me. I just upgraded to 1.5.4 and now I get the message that Avast passwords didn’t start properly.

I’m on El Capitan 10.11.6

How do you recommend I get this started again? Is there a way to downgrade back to the previous version?

Please advise.


Hello Michael,

Try running the following command from your terminal:

rm -rf ~/Library/Group\ Containers/6H4HRTU5E3.com.avast.passwords/Services

It should remove some legacy metadata and will not affect the records you have saved in your vault.

Let me know if this resolves your issue,



Thanks Felix. Unfortunately, that did NOT work. Same error. I see the Services folder was recreated, but didn’t change the outcome.

Please advise next steps.


Please advise.

Can someone, anyone, please reply?